PUNCH! takes on a life of its own.
Customers don’t really want to have to understand the technicalities of an IT/VC solution. They don’t want to deal with their IT team or the outsourced IT company looking after the venue which they’re about to hold an event at. The reality is however that our job as Video Conference providers are not able to provide a solution unless we have the support of the in-house IT team. Until now…
PUNCH! takes a normal internet connection, any connection, and automatically assigns a fixed public IP address to the device that is plugged into it. You don’t need to speak to the Internet providers or understand how it works. So we thought we’d take it one step further. Why don’t we use it to Video Conference over wifi? Or why don’t we use it to provide a wireless access point? Well, that’s what we did. Then we had a little play with them!