Quality matters…
I’ve said it before, it’s not good enough to just post content. We all do it anyway, but who reads this stuff?
Maybe in the past people read it.
But today, every day, we generate around 400 million terabytes of data. That means every two days, we generate as much information as we did between the dawn of civilization up until 2003 (according to Eric Schmidt).
So how can we make our content stand out. There are plenty of levers.
Innovative marketing
Effective distribution
Paid ads?
Exciting and engaging content (obviously)
The key for me though is exceptional quality. It’s no longer enough to just post. Our content needs to be technically well produced to the highest standard to even stand a chance out there.
We’ve had years of ‘anything goes’. A whole generation watch Big Brother on TV and news broadcasts that consisted of “oh, we seem to have lost them…”. But those days are gone.
I’m going to say it. AT LAST, the age of quality content is back!